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Numerous current and former school board members are off and running for legislature, governor

Every two years, after nomination papers are filed and the field of candidates is set, the WASB government relations team tries to identify and recognize all the current and former school board members who are running for the state Senate and state Assembly.  These candidates bring with them a working knowledge of the issues and challenges facing school boards and can be valuable contacts for you and your boards.

This year, we have identified a bumper crop of nearly twenty current and former school board members seeking election to the Legislature and the Governor’s seat. If we may have missed any candidates with a background of school board service that you are aware of, please let us know so that we may properly recognize their candidacy. 

This year’s group of candidates includes the following: (more…)

Bipartisan group of US senators reaches agreement on framework for school safety legislation

A bipartisan group of 20 U.S. senators led by Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and John Cornyn (R-Texas) announced yesterday (6/12) they have reached agreement on what they called “a commonsense proposal” to curb gun violence and increase school safety.  

The nine-point proposal would invest billions of federal dollars in enhanced children and family mental health services, fund school-based mental health services, and fund new safety measures at schools.  The bipartisan plan would also spend federal resources to encorage states to pass and implement so-called “red flag” laws that aim to keep guns out of the hands of people deemed dangerous to the community, strengthen criminal background check requirements for gun buyers younger than 21, and strengthen penalties for illegal “straw purchases” by convicted criminals. (more…)

Fields set for state races: an ideal time to make advocacy inroads

Fields set for state races: an ideal time to make advocacy inroads

Following the June 1 deadline for filing nomination papers, the field of candidates for the governor’s race and Wisconsin Legislature (as well as other statewide offices) is set, barring any unexpected glitches or challenges to nomination papers. Despite a substantial number of unopposed incumbent state legislators (see below), a near-record thirty lawmakers did not seek re-election. This guarantees that the Legislature will have many new faces sworn in in January.

This an ideal time for school leaders to begin building relationships with those likely to be members of the new crop of lawmakers as well as incumbents, especially those in seats where those incumbents are certain or highly likely to be re-elected. In areas where there are contested legislative races, the Capitol Watch column in June-July issue of the Wisconsin School News provides tips for school leaders on how to host a candidate forum. You can access that column here. (more…)

Federal guidance on using COVID relief funds to prevent and respond to crime and promote public safety

In the wake of the tragic school shootings in Uvalde, Texas, some school leaders have asked whether federal COVID relief funds may be used for school safety purposes.

We are reminded that the U.S. Department of Education previously published this guidance about how ESSER III funds may be used to prevent and respond to crime and promote public safety.  School leaders may want to give this guidance a fresh look. (more…)

Updated WASB resolutions book is now posted online

The Resolutions Adopted by Delegate Assemblies book, containing the collected policy positions adopted by WASB Delegate Assemblies over many years, has been updated to reflect resolutions adopted in January 2022.  It is now posted online.  You can find it here.

Resolutions adopted by the annual WASB Delegate Assemblies set the policy direction for the WASB and its lobbying efforts. Once adopted, those resolutions remain in force unless amended or repealed.  We encourage WASB member boards to review the resolutions carefully. (more…)