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 Special Policy Services

The WASB policy services staff provides members with a range of special policy services that are available to meet your district’s particular policy needs, interests or requirements. In addition to the WASB’s online Policy Resource Guide (PRG), we offer the following flat-fee and customized policy consulting services:


FLAT-FEE SERVICE – (Effective July 1, 2023)

School board members and district administrators often recognize that the district’s policy manual needs updating but do not know where to start. Upon request, a WASB consultant can do a “quick check” of the district’s policies to identify any WASB Policy Manual Checklist policies (suggested policy topics, including those mandated by law) that seem to be missing and to identify local policies with a last revision date indicating that they may need updating due to recent law changes affecting the topic. The “quick check” is based on a general inspection of the district’s policy manual, but does not include substantive review and analysis of policy content. Its purpose is to help organize and prioritize a school district’s local policy work. Following a “quick check,” the district will receive an easy-to-read report in the format of a chart organized by policy topic.

The cost of a Policy Manual “Quick Check” is $5,000.


Upon request, a WASB consultant will provide customized policy consulting services to meet the district’s particular policy interests, needs or requirements. For example, a WASB consultant can:

  • Review an individual policy that is under consideration by the board prior to the board meeting at which it is to be acted upon and provide written review comments and revision suggestions.
  • Review the district’s policy manual on a section-by-section basis and provide the district with policy updating suggestions.
  • Prepare policy/rule revision drafts for the district’s review based on information obtained from the district and in consultation with the administration and/or school board.
  • Conduct policy work sessions with board members and administrators on policy development in general or specific policy topics of interest to the district. This can be done onsite in the district or via technology.

Customized policy consulting services are provided on an hourly fee basis. A district pays for services based only on: (1) the extent of its particular policy needs and (2) the amount of direct policy assistance it wants from the WASB.

If you have any questions about any of the above-mentioned services or would like to obtain them, please contact Teresa Kimball, WASB search services coordinator & policy assistant or call (608) 512-1714.