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Wisconsin Superintendent Searches

For more information, contact:
Ben Niehaus, WASB Director of Member Services or 608-512-1706


Our active superintendent searches will be listed just below. When available, we will post the relevant vacancy notice, district brochure, and essay questions on this page. Once the brochure and essay questions are posted here, that particular district’s search will soon be open in our Search Services Portal. View more information on our Application Process webpage.


Important Link for School Boards

Looking to fill an administrator vacancy in your district?

The WASB will gladly post an administrator vacancy here for $100 per week. We’ll provide a link to a district web page where applicants can find additional information about the vacancy. Contact Ingrid (, 608-512-1725) to post a vacancy or ask questions.

Interested in Becoming an Interim Superintendent?

Complete the form linked below and submit it to Ingrid ( We appreciate your interest and will consider your submittal for addition to our list of interim superintendents.

National Affiliation of Superintendent Searchers (NASS)

The WASB is a proud member of the National Affiliation of Superintendent Searchers. We provide easy access to out-of-state superintendent vacancies through the NASS website.

Image of two people shaking hands

Image Superintendent Evaluation Framework Cover


The WASB Framework for Superintendent Evaluation recognizes the need for a collaborative development process to support the continuous growth of the superintendent. The evaluation should be used to foster this growth and to improve the overall leadership within the district. Click to learn more!