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Employee Opinion Survey

What is the Employee Opinion Survey?

Employee Opinion Survey Report Cover

The Employee Opinion Survey is a customizable, anonymous survey administered online to your employees by the WASB staff. The Survey gauges your employees’ opinions on a range of issues related to the operation of your district to guide your work in crafting employee handbooks, building relationships and improving services. If administered annually, your district can track trends and determine the impact of employee-related initiatives.

What types of information does the survey solicit?

The WASB staff can customize the survey to fit your district’s specific needs, but the standard survey will question your employees about:

  • Demographics
  • Job Satisfaction
  • Support from Coworkers
  • Working Conditions
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • District Communications
  • Supervisor Support
  • Satisfaction with District Technology and Equipment
  • Assistance from Human Resources
  • Teacher Support
  • Curriculum and Instructional Support
  • Student Discipline Support
  • Training and Workplace Safety
What will the WASB do with the information once employees have completed the survey?

WASB staff will compile the responses into a summary report and provide a basic analysis of the results for a fee of $500. For an additional fee, WASB staff will provide an in-depth analysis of the results and provide suggestions for areas that may need improvement. The summary report will contain high-quality, detailed graphs and charts to illustrate employee responses, and if your district chooses to administer the survey annually, the district can track trends, changes and improvements over time.

Summary Report - Example

In the Compensation and Benefits section of the survey, employees will be asked whether they believe the pay and benefits they receive are competitive with the pay and benefits received by similarly situated employees in neighboring and/or comparable districts. With this information, the district may discover that, while the compensation it provides to district employees is competitive with neighboring and/or comparable districts, it must communicate that information to its employees more effectively.

Where can I get more information about the Employee Opinion Survey?

For more information about the Employee Opinion Survey, please contact any of the WASB Legal Services staff at 1-877-705-4422.