Legal Publications and Products
Employee Handbook
WASB staff attorneys created a model employee handbook to cover district employees’ terms and conditions of employment. With collective bargaining relegated to bargaining over total base wages, districts need to utilize employee handbooks to fill the void. As part of a subscription to the Employee Handbook, the WASB provides selected employment policies and supporting resources including “Coordination of Policies with Handbook,” “Employee Handbook Updates,” and “Employee Handbook Policy Updates.” The handbook is an annual subscription. As an added bonus, subscribers receive the WASB Impartial Hearing Officer Guide, Hiring Guide, and Guide to Exit Interviews & Surveys for no additional charge.
$1000/district initial purchase/introductory year updates. Discount for Policy Resource Guide subscribers.
$500/annual subscription for updates.
Click here for more information and to order the Employee Handbook.
The Employee Opinion Survey
The Employee Opinion Survey is a customizable, anonymous survey administered online to your employees by the WASB staff. The Survey gauges your employees’ opinions on a range of issues related to the operation of your district to guide your work in crafting employee handbooks, building relationships and improving services. If administered annually, your district can track trends and determine the impact of employee-related initiatives.
Base fee of $500 with additional analysis available.
Contact the WASB to order or 608-257-2622.
(member log in required)
Updated Wisconsin School Laws
Printed binder of Wisconsin school laws and administrative rules with regular updates. This subscription provides a convenient and timely reference to current Wisconsin school statutes and the administrative rules of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. New subscriptions include Chapters 115 to 121 of the state statutes, numerous other selected state laws likely to be relevant to public school districts, the DPI’s administrative rules, as well as an index in a comprehensive binder. Renewal subscriptions provide new inserts that replace outdated statutes and rules. Updates to laws and rules are provided approximately twice annually although frequency can vary based on specific legislative activity. Members – new Updated Wisconsin School Laws binder/$160 and Non-members – new Updated Wisconsin School Laws binder/$185.
To order Updated Wisconsin School Laws:
- If you are not the district’s administrative assistant or district administrator, please contact them to place the order for your district.
- Log in at the top of this page > My Portal
- Click on Subscriptions under Online Store
- Select a Subscription > Add Registration to Cart > Checkout
- Billing questions: Jessica Woodburn, 608-512-1704
- Subscription questions: Sally Sweitzer, 608-512-1721
New Laws Bulletins
New Laws bulletins provide narrative descriptions of new acts of the Wisconsin legislature that affect Wisconsin school districts and also cover new or amended DPI regulations.
New Laws bulletins are distributed as needed following enactment of legislation to all members via links in the monthly Legal and Policy Services Newsletter (an electronic newsletter).
New School Board Member Handbook
Drawing on the deep well of knowledge and expertise of the WASB, the online New School Board Member Handbook provides information about the basics of school board service and answers questions commonly asked by new board members.
We hope you find the handbook a helpful reference as you begin your school board service. The online version includes dozens of embedded links to the referenced statutes, WASB resources and other guidance. Some WASB resources may be password protected for members only. Contact us if you are a member and need assistance logging in.
Hard copies may be requested by sending an email to
The Annual School District Meeting
This annual publication helps common and union high school districts plan their annual meetings. It is distributed in the spring to school board presidents and superintendents as a part of member benefits.
Note: The Federal 7th Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated the 28-day elector residency requirement. See page 25 for more information.
Additional copies are available to members for the cost of $10. Log in to download The Annual School District Meeting at no cost. Order copies of the Annual School District Meeting Booklet.
In June 2020, the WASB issued a special supplement to the booklet, Annual Meeting Booklet Supplement, to address annual meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic and that is still relevant.
Guide for Candidates
This annual publication highlights school board responsibilities and answers questions about candidacy. It is distributed in the fall to school board presidents and superintendents as a part of member benefits. Additional copies are available for the cost of $10. You may download Guide for Candidates at no cost. Order copies of the Guide for Candidates.
School District Election Schedule
This annual publication is a reference for common, union high, and unified school districts for use throughout the upcoming primary and election season. It is distributed in the fall to school board clerks and superintendents as a part of member benefits. Additional copies are available for the cost of $12. Log in to download the School District Election Schedule at no cost. Order copies of the School District Election Schedule.
The Nonrenewal Bulletin
The Nonrenewal Bulletin is a brief memorandum that describes the basic nuts and bolts of the nonrenewal process and is designed to help school boards meet the statutory requirements for nonrenewal of a teacher contract. The WASB updates the Bulletin annually to account for any legal changes. Member distribution: at legal seminars; also to school board presidents and district administrators. Additional copies are available for the cost of $10. Members may log in to download The Nonrenewal Bulletin at no cost. Order copies of The Nonrenewal Bulletin.
A Guide to Nonrenewing Teacher Contracts
The guide provides a long-form, detailed synopsis of the legal considerations that generally control the substantive and procedural aspects of the nonrenewal process and outlines the step-by-step process for nonrenewing a teacher contract.
$25/Book Member Rate
$50/Book Non-Member Rate
Robert's Rules of Order
“Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised In Brief” offers practical, plain-language guidance to run orderly meetings using parliamentary procedure. The guidebook provides an overview of “Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th edition,” and discusses how to apply parliamentary procedure to common meeting scenarios.
Order copies of “Robert’s Rules of Order.”
Hiring Guidelines
The Hiring Guidelines may be used in full or in part to develop a district’s policies and procedures for filling open positions and/or vacancies. The purpose of the Hiring Guidelines is to inform the board, administration and key employees about district expectations and policies, provide legal information and protection to the district, serve as a reference guide on important terms and conditions of the pre-employment hiring process, and clarify questions regarding the district’s hiring practices and procedures.
A Guide to Exit Interviews & Exit Surveys
The WASB has prepared A Guide to Exit Interviews and Exit Surveys as a reference document for school districts. It may be used in full or in part to gather information about why employees make the decision to leave. The purpose of A Guide to Exit Interviews and Exit Surveys is to provide the board, administration and key employees with concrete data to help you design your turnover-reduction strategy.
Order copies of A Guide to Exit Interviews and Exit Surveys.
Impartial Hearing Officer Guide
The Impartial Hearing Officer Guide is intended to assist impartial hearing officers conducting grievance hearings pursuant to state law. This reference guide will also serve to inform the school board and administration of key considerations regarding their duties and responsibilities to select an impartial hearing officer. Readers are encouraged to review this booklet prior to impartial hearing officer proceedings to ensure that the district complies with all relevant statutory requirements.
Wisconsin Expulsion Digest (2022 ed.)
The Wisconsin Expulsion Digest provides general information about expulsions in Wisconsin and includes an index of the key holdings from the DPI expulsion appeal decisions that have been issued from 1982 through July 2022.
$25/Book Member Rate
$50/Book Non-Member Rate
Legal and Policy Services Newsletter
Distributed up to twice a month by email to all members, the Legal and Policy Services Newsletter includes notices of and links to Policy Perspectives, New Law updates, and various other WASB and non-WASB publications and resources.
Access an archive of the Legal and Policy Services Newsletter. (Log in required.)