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Member Recognition Program

Educational leadership develops through years of school board service, establishing relationships with board members in other districts and attending WASB programs.

Through its Member Recognition Program, the WASB recognizes board members who are committed to professional development. Board members earn points for attending WASB events and participating in specific activities. After earning a designated number of points, board members are awarded an Achievement Level and publicly recognized at that member’s WASB Fall Regional Meeting.

Board members are awarded points for participating in WASB activities. These include: attending or speaking at sponsored events; serving on WASB committees; serving on non-WASB committees on behalf of the WASB; and serving as a delegate to the WASB Delegate Assembly.


Recognizing Member Recognition Award Recipients

The annual Member Recognition Program runs from July 1 through June 30, and points are cumulative from year to year. In August, the WASB sends a Member Recognition Report to each school board member who qualified for a new level that year. Qualifying board members are recognized with recognition pins and certificates at a WASB Fall Regional Meeting.

If your district would like to recognize a board member for achieving one of five new levels in the program and being recognized at their Fall Regional Meeting, download a copy of our press release template:

If every member of your board has received or will receive a member recognition award, your district is eligible for special recognition. To receive this recognition, contact the WASB.


Introduction to School Board Service Guide

New board members are encouraged to utilize the WASB Introduction to School Board Service Guide as a professional development guide to ensure that they receive training in:

• Governance and leadership,
• Legal and policy responsibilities,
• Finances and facilities, and
• Advocacy and community relations.

As a component of the Member Recognition Program, the Introduction to Board Service Guide helps new members track their attendance at WASB events to ensure they receive training in a wide array of topics in their first years of service. Board members receive additional Member Recognition Program points for completing the guide.