Wisconsin School News Magazine
Wisconsin School News, the official magazine of the Wisconsin Association of School Boards, brings relevant articles to public school leaders across Wisconsin.
The magazine highlights school district successes, addresses challenging issues facing public school districts in Wisconsin, and communicates important information on an array of topics including board governance, policy, school law, facilities, safety and more.
Published 10 times a year, issues feature articles written by WASB staff, Wisconsin school leaders, and respected public education professionals. The magazine is mailed to all school board members, superintendents and eligible alumni as a part of member benefits.
Interested in submitting an article? The WASB welcomes unsolicited articles from educators, administrators, school board members, other school district staff, education experts and public education stakeholders.
Do you have an alum who has made a positive contribution to your community? Submit their stories for consideration to be highlighted in an issue of the School News.
Learn more about submitting an article
We’re looking for articles that showcase Wisconsin school district students and programs, the policies and laws that impact them, and recent research or analyses that pertain to the majority of school districts in our state.
Our audience is school board members and administrators. They are interested in information about school district governance – leadership, policy making, budgeting, etc. – as well as the lessons learned by other districts in the implementation of programs and services.
Please keep in mind that school board members come from all walks of life and have a wide range of experience so the author should not assume the audience is familiar with technical terms or have a deep level of knowledge on the topic.
Your topic should be of interest to the majority of school districts across the state. (Information that pertains to only a small subset of districts or written with a narrow audience in mind (e.g. districts in one region) likely will not be published.)
Articles that have the most value are those that pertain directly to Wisconsin school districts and/or include examples from at least one Wisconsin school district or quotes from at least one Wisconsin school board member or administrator.
Submission guidelines:
- In general, articles should be around 1,200-2,000 words and submitted in Microsoft Word with no special formatting.
- Original, high-quality photos and graphs with descriptive text are encouraged. If using photos or graphs from another source, the source needs to be clearly identified and proof of copyright permission provided.
- Photos and graphs need to be sent separately, not embedded in the Word document.
- Write in third person if possible
- Try to include quotes from Wisconsin school officials and/or industry experts.
- Try to avoid citations. Instead, incorporate that information into the article.
- Include a title and subhead.
- Include the author’s name, title and a photo.
- Expect to be edited. Every article is edited for clarity, length and style.
The Wisconsin School News editor has discretion over the final article, as well as if/when it will be published. You’re encouraged to contact the WASB before drafting an article to review the topic and assess its potential for publication.
If you have an article or an idea for one, please reach out to WASB Director of Communications Brock Fritz.

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