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Legislative Update-Part One: DPI submits new proposed plan for distribution of remaining ESSER III funds.

(Note: This is the first of three blog posts detailing information that was provided by the WASB Government Relations team to in-person attendees at the Legislative Update presentation during the State Education Convention last Friday.)

During our WASB Legislative Update webinar on January 12, the GR team said we hoped to be able to provide a progress report on negotiations between the DPI and the members of the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) aimed at reconciling differences over the distribution of a portion of the federal COVID relief funds for public schools (“ESSER III” funds) provided to the state under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

We have some good news report.  Last week, the DPI submitted a new plan to the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) for the distribution of about $114 million in federal (ESSER III) COVID relief funds that have been held up for many months.  The DPI’s latest proposal has been submitted to the Joint Finance Committee for and has been made public, which suggests that an agreement may be close. The JFC has 14 calendar days to either meet to approve or modify and approve the plan, or not meet, in which case the State Superintendent would implement the plan as submitted. The Committee has until Wednesday, February 2, 2022 to meet and act on this plan. (more…)

WASB Government Relations team activities at the State Education Convention

WASB Government Relations team activities at the State Education Convention

The WASB Government Relations Team looks forward to seeing you in person at the 2022 State Education Convention.

Here is a brief summary of some of our key activities:

  • Pre-Delegate Assembly Discussion Session*

Tuesday, Jan. 18, 7:00 p.m.
Crystal Ballroom, Milwaukee Hilton City Center Hotel (5th Floor)

*There will be an option for board members who are unable to attend in-person to participate in this meeting via Zoom. Details to follow. (more…)

Feds approve release of 95% of Wisconsin’s ARPA K-12 COVID relief allocation

The U.S. Department of Education (USED) today announced it has approved the release of 95 percent (nearly $1.4 billion) of Wisconsin’s ESSER III funding allocation to school districts. ESSER III funding was provided under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) enacted by Congress in March 2021.

However, in its approval letter, the USED disallowed the portion of  Wisconsin’s plan that allocated 5 percent (about $77 million) of the funding under conditions imposed by the Wisconsin legislature’s Republican-controlled Joint Finance Committee (JFC) that rewarded districts that held predominately in-person instruction. (more…)

Governor takes action on a pair of bills affecting K-12 education

Governor Tony Evers today signed one bill affecting K-12 public schools into law and vetoed another, as he took action on 29 bills in total.

The governor signed Senate Bill 449 into law as 2021 Wisconsin Act 109. 

This new law: a)  allows critical incident mapping data to be submitted in lieu of school blueprints when school districts submit required school safety plan information to the Office of School Safety; and b) provides up to $2 million funding to the Department of Justice in the 2021-23 biennium that must be used to award schools grants to assist with submitting critical incident mapping data. 

  • The WASB supported Senate Bill 449.


Resolutions to be considered at 2022 WASB Delegate Assembly now posted online

The Report to the Membership on Proposed 2022 WASB Resolutions has now been posted on the WASB website. You can find it here.

The report presents the resolutions that were advanced by the Policy & Resolutions Committee and will be considered by the 2022 WASB Delegate Assembly along with the rationale for each resolution. Other informational materials related to the Delegate Assembly are also posted on the WASB website. (more…)