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U.S. Education Secretary calls for using ARPA funds to address teacher supply

In a speech last week, U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona called on education stakeholders to make use of funding provided by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to address persistent and widespread teacher shortages.

Cardona urged states, postsecondary leaders, districts, and schools to consider establishing evidence-based teacher residency programs, creating registered apprenticeship programs for the teaching profession, and increasing teacher compensation along with a slew of other proposals. (more…)

Governor takes action on several K-12-education-related bills

With the 2021-22 legislative session now over, essentially all that remains is for the governor to act on bills passed by the Legislature before it adjourned on March 8, and for the Legislature to consider any vetoes at a later date.

Once Senate or Assembly leaders present a bill that has passed both hoses in identical form to the governor, he has six days (excluding Sundays) to either sign or veto the bill, or else it becomes law without his approval. On April 14, per the session schedule adopted by the Legislature back in January 2021, any outstanding bills will be automatically sent to the governor’s desk. (more…)

President set to announce Administration’s budget proposal for federal fiscal year 2023

President Biden is scheduled to announce his  budget proposal for federal fiscal year 2023 (FY 2023) late this afternoon.  We will provide details of the plan relating to K-12 education as soon as we have them.

We are informed that, under the President’s plan, the U.S. Department of Education (USED) will $88.3 billion in discretionary funding, which is a $12.9 billion (17%) increase over the 2022 net enacted level. (more…)

School Board Races, Referenda Highlight April 5 Election Ballot

A total of 81 local school referenda are scheduled to be voted on at the April 5 ballot. Of the 81 scheduled referendum:

  • 35 are to Issue Debt, totaling $1.1 billion if all are approved
  • 8 are to exceed revenue limits on a Recurring basis, totaling $13.5 million if all are approved
  • 38 are to exceed revenue limits on a Non-Recurring basis totaling $193 million if all are approved.

Here is a breakdown by district (in alphabetical order): (more…)

U.S. Supreme Court reverses decision setting Wisconsin legislative district lines, sends case back to Wis. Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court today (3/23) summarily reversed the decision of the Wisconsin State Supreme Court handed down earlier this month which adopted legislative redistricting maps submitted by Governor Evers. In a somewhat technical decision, the U.S. high court sided with arguments raised by state Republicans and remanded the case back to the Wisconsin Supreme Court for further proceedings not inconsistent with its order. 

This means legislative district boundaries for districts on the November 2022 ballot remain unsettled at this time, even though state statutes provide that nomination papers for those offices may be circulated as soon as April 15.  However, the U.S. Supreme Court let stand the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s adoption of Congressional maps submitted by Governor Evers, so district lines for those races appear to be set, barring any further developments. (more…)