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Wis. Supreme Court adopts GOP-drawn legislative maps

In what is likely to be the final court chapter in the current legislative redistricting saga, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has sided with the state’s GOP Legislature over the state’s Democratic governor on the question of what legislative boundaries will be in place for this fall’s election.

In a 4-3 decision handed down on Friday (April 15), Wisconsin’s high Court adopted legislative maps submitted by the Republican-led state Legislature that it had earlier rejected in favor of maps submitted by Democratic Gov. Tony Evers. (more…)

Preliminary April 5 School Referendum Results: 65 of 81 Questions Approved

Preliminary (unofficial) results reported to the DPI indicate that 65 of the 81 school referendums on the April 5 ballot were approved by voters of the districts where those questions were presented. That translates to a passage rate of slightly more than 80 percent.   

Referendums asking voters to approve borrowing for school construction or renovation passed at a lower rate (71 percent) than the overall passage rate, as 25 of 35 were approved.  Overall, 10 of the 16 referendum questions turned down by voters asked for approval to issue debt. (more…)