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WASBO/WSPRA: Video resource explaining public school funding is available for use by districts

Our public education partners at WASBO (Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials) and WSPRA (Wisconsin School Public Relations Association) have provided districts with the following message as the spring and fall election dates draw closer.
“With so many districts facing fiscal challenges including going or considering going to referendum in the next year, we created a short, animated video for general audiences that we hope will effectively communicate the way schools in Wisconsin are funded and the challenges they face. There’s a general video that is free for anyone to download and use to educate their stakeholders. For a relatively small cost, Captivate can customize the video for districts to communicate specific information about their funding situation, referendum, district branding, etc.

You can find information about both options at this link.

Please feel free to share this widely with anyone you think might benefit from it. We will be disseminating it to WASBO members and other partners and will make it available on our website.”