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Legislative Update

Judge issues stay in decision overturning Act 10

by | Dec 19, 2024 | Legislative Update Blog, State Issue

The Dane County judge that issued the decision to overturn 2011 Wisconsin Act 10 has issued a stay (or pause) in the implementation of the decision.

From the Associated Press:

“Dane County Circuit Judge Jacob Frost on Dec. 18 granted a temporary stay of his Dec. 2 ruling striking down most of the law as unconstitutional. The stay is in place while Frost considers written arguments over whether to place his ruling on hold while the Legislature appeals it.

“Those arguments are due to the court by Jan. 24, meaning the ruling will likely be on hold until at least then and maybe longer. Some unions had pushed for the reopening of contract negotiations after Frost struck down the law.

“Under his ruling, all public sector workers who lost their collective bargaining power would have it restored to what was in place before 2011. They would be treated the same as the police, firefighter and other public safety unions that were exempted under the law.

“Republicans immediately appealed and the case is ultimately expected to go to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.”

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