WASB/WSAA School Law Conference
Thursday, February 27
The Osthoff Resort
Conference Summary
The 2025 WASB/WSAA School Law Conference will be held Thursday, Feb. 27, at The Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake. This joint seminar, hosted by the Wisconsin Association of School Boards and the Wisconsin School Attorneys Association, features school law attorneys discussing the key legal issues facing school districts.
Attendees will choose from breakout sessions to learn how to manage media crises, work with law enforcement, navigate expulsions, oversee public participation and more. The day ends with a panel discussion on special education issues impacting Wisconsin school districts.
Registration Information
Conference registration is $209. Registration includes digital materials, breakfast and lunch.
The cancellation deadline is Thursday, Feb. 20 at 5 p.m. No refunds for cancellations after Feb. 20. To cancel, call toll-free 877-705-4422.
Conference Agenda
8 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m. Sessions:
- Handling a Media Crisis
This presentation will discuss practical and legal considerations districts must undertake before, during and after a media crisis occurs. Among other issues, this discussion will address navigating the public records law, the open meetings law and related employment and education laws that come into play. This presentation will also provide districts with practical action items that can set a district up for success should a crisis occur.
Kyle Gulya (von Briesen & Roper, s.c.)
James Madlom (Mueller Communications) - Interactions with Law Enforcement
Whether or not they have a school resource officer, schools need to work with law enforcement and outside agency personnel. This session explores issues such as parent notification, staff presence during interviews with agency personnel, student rights, searches and more.
Bob Butler (WASB)
9:30 a.m. Break
9:40 a.m. Sessions:
- Navigating Subpoenas
This presentation will address the varying types of subpoenas schools and their employees routinely receive, whether it be a family law subpoena, a subpoena related to civil claims against the district, or otherwise. During this presentation, attendees will learn how practical and legal action items that should be taken into consideration when a subpoena is received, including who to get into contact with, what to look for, and immediate obligations, if any.
Trevor Helmers (Squires, Waldspurger and Mace, P.A.)
Jennifer Johnson (Boardman & Clark LLP) - Public Participation at School Board Meetings
Public comments at meetings can present a difficult balancing act for school boards. While providing regular opportunities for members of the public to offer input is important, the school board also needs to carefully manage its meeting time and encourage constructive discourse. This session will identify the relevant legal and policy considerations that a board can use as a guide when it identifies a need to refine its current approach to public participation during meetings.
Scott Mikesh (WASB)
10:40 a.m. Break
10:50 a.m. Sessions:
- How to Navigate Expulsions Under Recent DPI Decisions
This presentation will discuss recent Department of Public Instruction decisions interpreting various aspects of the Wisconsin Statutes’ expulsion provisions, how those interpretations have changed over the recent years, and how school districts can adapt their practices to stay within compliance of DPI’s application of the statutes. Among other topics, this presentation will address what is required within an expulsion notice to minimize the likelihood of the expulsion decision being overturned by DPI. This presentation will also discuss options for when DPI does overturn an expulsion decision.
Jim Macy (von Briesen & Roper, s.c.)
Doug Witte (Boardman & Clark LLP) - School Board Roles and Responsibilities
An effective relationship between the administration and school board is critical to the success of a school district. But the relationship can sour without clearly defined roles. This session will review each of these roles and navigate through scenarios in which school boards have occasionally struggled, such as establishing meeting agendas, handling complaints and concerns, the chain of command, board member requests for information and staff time and visits to school.
Ben Richter (WASB)
11:50 a.m. Lunch
12:50 p.m. Sessions:
- Open Meetings Law and Public Records Tips and Tricks
This presentation will discuss the interface of the Open Meeting Law and Public Records Law with the new technology impacting how we communicate with others including the public and how compliance with these laws has changed. The presenters represent school districts and local government units throughout the State of Wisconsin and have assisted school districts in responding to public records requests and complying with open meeting law requirements. Attendees will receive guidance on how to comply with these laws using new technology and new methods of communication with individuals and with the public. The presentation will also review
recent opinions and court decisions involving public records and open meetings.
Dean Dietrich (Weld Riley, S.C.)
Jim Carroll (Buelow Vetter Buikema Olson & Vliet, LLC) - Understanding the Teacher Nonrenewal Process
This presentation will review the basics of teacher nonrenewal, including statutory 118.22 requirements, due process constitutional protections, employment discrimination laws, individual contracts, employee handbooks and policies, public records and open meeting law considerations and more.
Jenn Diaz (WASB)
1:50 p.m. Break
2 p.m. Panel Discussion:
- Angry, Bored, Confused? The Latest Special Education Topics Driving School Districts Mad
This session will be a roundtable discussion addressing the latest special education issues impacting Wisconsin school districts, whether it be issues related to Section 504, the IDEA or otherwise. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask any pressing questions they would like answered or discussed.
Chad Wade, Alana Leffler and Tess O’Brien-Heinzen (Renning, Lewis & Lacy)
Hotel Accommodations
The Osthoff Resort
101 Osthoff Ave.
Elkhart Lake, WI 53020
Hotel reservations: 800-876-3399
Room rates: Starting at $154
Cut-off date for hotel rooms: Feb. 3, 2025
Call or click here to make your reservation. When making a reservation, ask for the Wisconsin Association of School Boards group to get the special group rate.