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Episode 46 Show Notes

After serving as the starting quarterback for Brigham Young University, Sean Covey started being invited to speak to children.

He spoke at hundreds of schools, and the time he spent around kids and teens gave him an idea of the challenges they were going through.

Sean would go on to write about schools and children, including the bestseller “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.”

After a career-ending injury, Sean joined the leadership company FranklinCovey, where he’s spent the past 29 years.

Sean is a keynote speaker at the 2024 State Education Convention, and this episode features a conversation between Sean and Dustin Odham, a FranklinCovey colleague.

Most of the discussion focuses on transforming schools through educational leadership. They talk about how to focus on big goals, the use of scoreboards, accountability and much more