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Legislature files suit against partial veto of early literacy funding bill

Earlier this week, the Republican-led legislature filed a lawsuit against both DPI and Governor Evers for the use of his partial veto on 2023 Wisconsin Act 100, the law that creates a funding structure for new early literacy initiatives created by 2023 Wisconsin Act 20. The legislature has been very concerned with Governor Evers’ partial veto authority on appropriations bills (a bill that spends money). They have attempted to avoid this authority by appropriating funds to the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) and then subsequently passing legislation to create a framework for how that money is to be used (Act 100). The governor partially vetoed Act 100 as if it was an appropriations bill when the legislature argues it is not. If a bill is not an appropriations bill, the governor can only sign it into law or veto it in its entirety. (more…)